Vanderbilt Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital

About This Project


A 9-story, 206-bed, technologically-advanced hospital with a basement level, 12 equipped operating rooms, and a 36-bed adolescent unit. Consists of approximately 600,000 square feet of new construction within a tight, urban construction site adjacent to the existing hospital. Crayon-like tubes house family areas, cones disguise mechanical elements, and a ribbon-like canopy introduces the entrance. Also included is an 11-story, 169,000-square foot outpatient tower built adjacent to the hospital.

Approximately 400 feet of elevated covered walkway connects the Capers Parking Garage with the remainder of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center. Roof structures consist of elaborate ornamental pipe trusses covered by translucent canopy systems. 80 feet of the walkway consists of an ornamental through-truss spanning over Pierce Avenue supporting a precast concrete deck and translucent canopy system roof. The bridge support used a modern micropile foundation system due to the extremely dense arrangement of utilities adjacent to Pierce Avenue.


A 33-bed expansion that yielded additional capacity for acute care and surgical and neonatal intensive care services. The 33-bed expansion increased its number of beds to 271 and increased its size to nearly 650,000 square feet. The bed addition expanded the Pod A wing, adding beds for the Med/Surg patient wing, the PICU wing, the Myelosuppression wing, and the NICU patient wing. Patient beds were added on floors 4–8 as an extension to an existing pod. In order to maintain windows in existing patient rooms, a new central atrium was created in the hospital with a clerestory channeling indirect light into the core of the building. Patient rooms and staff-support spaces front the atrium, gaining access to natural light.


SDG also designed an expansion that increases the bed count at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital by more than 30 beds, bringing the children’s hospital to more than 300.  A 4-story tower was added to the existing hospital, with each floor of the expansion adding nearly 40,000 square feet. Only one floor, consisting of 36 beds, will be fully built out and operational to start, with the remaining three floors shelled for future build-out. In addition to the 4 new floors, 21,000 square feet of new space was added for mechanical purposes, and the existing helipad was relocated to the top of the new structure. The expansion includes 4 levels of patient occupancy on levels 11, 12, 13, and 14.


2003, 2012, 2019


Nashville, TN
