About This Project
The facility consists of a 6-story, 500,000-square foot patient tower with a 4-story critical care pod at the rear of the hospital. A large one-story ancillary area is also included. In addition to the hospital, a 5-story medical office building was being constructed.
SDG completed a vertical expansion consisting of the following primary components: • Fourth floor vertical expansion and renovation to the South tower to add a sixteen (16) bed rehab unit and twelve (12) bed ICU unit. • Fifth floor mechanical penthouse to serve the fourth floor expansion. • Seventh floor vertical expansion to North tower to add a thirty-six (36) bed med/surg/tele unit. • Eight floor vertical expansion to North Tower to provide a shell space for a future thirty-six (36) bed med/surg unit. • The existing public and service elevator shafts and elevator penthouse serving the north tower were extended vertically to the 10th floor. • Surface parking expansion (232 new spaces).